Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Wrong Answer


There are times in the scripture where one scripture seems to contradict  another.  However, if you read, cross reference, look at the historical context, and the audience to which the scriptures are speaking, you will find that they actually compliment and bring validity to itself. For example, Luke 14:18 -21 refers to Jesus preparing a banquet and sent out invitations.  In the reply section of an invitation you typically RSVP or decline. Jesus' invitation was declined. Here were some of the reasons why people couldn’t come.  “But they all begin to make excuses. The first said, “I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Another said, I just bought a yoke of oxen. "And another said, I have recently married a wife, and for that reason I am unable to come"  In the natural, these are legitimate claims.  To sum it up, the man just got married, bought a house and got a new job. Jesus’ reply is stated further in vs. 20 “Wrong Answer” Jesus' disappointment seemed to contradict “a man who doesn’t work he won’t eat" Thess. 3),  "if a man doesn’t provide for his household he’s worse than an infidel" (I Tim. 5:8),   You may say, the timing was wrong. It wasn’t the wrong time, it was the Wrong Answer.  What was Jesus, saying?  The one who created all things, is before all things.  Jesus was testing their allegiance, their willingness to put Him first. Sentiments can cause us to stumble.  In Him all our cares are sustained.  He bids us to come. It's Supper Time !

-Tiffanie Andoh

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