Friday, June 25, 2021


How many of you have ever mastered the game of UNO? We know the ultimate goal is to be the first one to have the last card, hoping to say UNO and OUT!. But there is a strong possibility you can get hit with a Draw 4 etc. Over the years the goal hasn't changed but perhaps the rules have. For some reason the rules keep changing.  My son has his own rules, my daughter has her own rules.  Therefore, the exit turns into controversy.  How about heaven? Are you competing according to the rules "established by God"? According to Paul the Apostle he likened our Christian journey to a race. In this race, if you compete as an athlete you won't win the race if you break the rules (2 Tim 2:5).  Throughout history we can see where the Word of God has been taught/preached contrary to scripture.  For example, the "Doctrine of Election" that says, God has predestined some for heaven and some for hell (Calvinist). The "Doctrine of Eternal Security" teaches that once saved always saved (Baptist).  This allows for continual sin (those who practice unrighteousness) Just like the UNO game comes with instructions, so does the Bible. We are admonished not to err from the faith (1 Tim. 6-9) and to take heed lest we depart from the truth (stop following the rules) Hebrews 3:12. If you notice, these are doctrines named after men.  We are warned "if anyone preaches any other doctrine other than the one we've been taught, through the Word of God rightly divided let him be accursed....(Galatians 1:8). The believers continued in the Apostles doctrine (Acts 2:42)  God's Plan for Salvation has come through Jesus Christ. It's salvation by Grace not our own works (rules). He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and the last card is endurance (those who endure until the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13).  The rule book will always confirm or disqualify us.  The game UNO is our cards, the Plan of Salvation is our souls. "There is no other name under heaven by which man must be saved" Acts 4:12. Is your last card the right card? 

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