Friday, July 16, 2021

My First Convert

A few years ago, I had recalled a time when I was about 8 years old, living with my dad and siblings. I didn't have a religious background other than, going to church as a foster child prior to. There were extenuating circumstances that led to the uprooting of our unstable family environment.  My paternal side of the family was known in this church, which I had no regular affiliation other than attending under the care of a foster parent or special days.. I remember saying a speech on one Easter Sunday.  After that, life went on tossed to and fro with parenting irregularities.

My dad eventually finally had full custody of us.  My dad was an awesome provider. The holidays were the best. We celebrated them all. One day, unbeknownst to why I did this, I remember standing in my sister's iron handle 1970's high chair in the kitchen with and instrument in my hand. I used it as a mic. Ii was around the time of Easter. We've always celebrated Easter with bunnies, eggs and baskets.  However, this particular day as I stood in the high-chair, I began to share about Jesus who was the reason for the season and how we didn't need to celebrate with baskets etc.   My dad was leaning on the  wall in the kitchen quietly listening as my siblings begin to lash out and berate me, telling me to shut up while screaming at me.  But my dad stood silent.  A few days later Easter came and no baskets.  I became public enemy number one in my home. I was even surprised we didn't celebrate it in our former fashion. 

Why did I share this story? Why did the Lord bring this scene back to me some 40 years later. I had not been born-again. Life took it's toll prior to salvation in my own personal life. I believe the Lord wanted to show me what conversion meant "to make a decision, the adoption of, a turning".  Why that happened on that day, I have no explanation other than Jeremiah 29:11 "Before I formed thee, I knew thee and called thee". But it reminds me of Peter. He had walked with the Lord, did miracles, walked on water etc.  Surely this evidence should have spoke volumes to his relationship with the Lord, but quite the opposite. "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold Satan hat desired to have you , the he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when you are converted, strengthen thy brother" Luke 22:31-34

Perhaps the Lord has spoken to you or used you to validate His word at some point in your life. Whether it was age 8 or 88, but you have not been converted. As believers we are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). My dad’s decision was evidence of a renewed mind (as it related to Easter baskets). I believe Peter had his own terms which caused him to despair at times in his faith, that lead to the denial of his master.  But the Lord prayed for Peter, even as He lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25). After Peter wept bitterly he came to know the Lord and through the power of the Spirit he turned from a 180 degree (being zealous in his own strength), to a 360 degree posture on the Lords terms. He was then able to share the way of the Master “Repent, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” Acts 3:19. Be encouraged friends, even as Peter did, after you have been converted go and strengthen thy brethren.

1 comment:

That's the Way it Goes...Almost Doesn't Count

  Some years ago a secular song popped in my mind. I had no intentions on dwelling on it, searching the content as I endeavored to renew my ...